Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Check out this interactive map of downtown Miami's skyline

This real estate cycle has been fruitful for downtown Miami’s skyline, with developers proposing and breaking ground on new projects seemingly every other month.

 Now, the Downtown Development Authority has released a new interactive map that allows you to check out every tower already built in the area, along with all the new ones underway.
 The map tracks data for 116 projects in Greater Downtown Miami that are proposed, under construction or were recently completed.
According to a news release from the DDA, the map is meant to act as a resource documenting the rapid expansion of Miami’s skyline in coming years.
It has a variety of features to play with, including zoning overlays, details for individual projects and even a slider to change the time of day so you can see how the sun reflects off each building.
The DDA said it will update the map quarterly as projects move along in the development process or are cancelled.
original content The Real Deal

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